Low Carbon Heating and Cooling Specialists

Line art icon of a hand holding a wrench


Malfunctioning HVAC equipment can leave you and your home unprepared for failure and potentially leaving you safety vulnerable. Our expert team is always ready and willing to repair your HVAC systems and our transparent flat rate repair fees guarantee that an unexpected and unaffordable price is the last surprise you have to endure.  With complete transparency, we will either recommend a fix or suggest replacement when appropriate.  

Selective focus Air Conditioning Repair, technician man hands using a screwdriver fixing modern air conditioning system.

Flat Rate Repair Fees


  • P.M.A (Preventative Maintenance Agreement) 
  • T & M (Time & Material) 


  • SC (Service Call initial Minimum Charge $159.95) 
  • Additional Hour Equals $120.00/hr., Calculated in 15 Min. Increments. 
  • Parts Extra 
  • Taxes Extra 
A-Coil ReplacementSC + 4 Hours
Air Cleaner & HEPA MaintenanceRefer to P.M.A
Air Cleaner MaintenanceRefer to P.M.A
All Fuel ControlSC + 1/2 Hour
Anti Frost Switch & Ceramic HeatersSC + 1 Hour
Aqua StatSC + 1 Hour
Bearing AssemblySC + 1.5 Hour
Blower AssemblySC + 1 Hour
Blower Compartment CleaningSC + T&M
Blower/Fan MotorSC + 1.5 Hour
Boiler Chemical TreatmentSC + T&M
Boiler MaintenanceSC + T&M
Burner AssemblySC + T&M
BurnersSC + 1/2 Hour
Cad CellSC + 1/2 Hour
CapacitorSC + 3/4 Hours
Capacitor (Run / Start / Split / Start Assist)SC + 3/4 Hours
Check Valve / Expansion ValveSC + T&M
Circ Pump (Boilers)SC + 1.5 Hour
Circuit Board / Control BoardSC + 1.5 Hour
Compressor and Drier any sizeSC + T&M
Condensate pumpSC + 1 Hour
Condenser Coil ReplacementSC + 4 Hours
Control ModuleSC + 1 Hour
Cooling MaintenanceRefer to P.M.A
CouplersSC + 1 Hour
Crank Case heaterSC + 1 Hour
Defrost Board / Control / TimerSC + 1 Hour
Defrost RelaySC + 1 Hour
Defrost Sensor / Ambient SensorSC + 1 Hour
Drain ValveSC + 1/2 Hour
Ductless Maintenance (6ft. Step ladder max hgt.)Refer to P.M.A
ERV/HRV MaintenanceRefer to P.M.A
Fan / Limit ControlSC + 1 Hour
Fan / Limit Control or IGN Control ModuleSC + 1 Hour
Fan Center ConompeteSC + 1 Hour
Fan MotorSC + 1 Hour
Fan Sequencer or Other RelaysSC + 3/4 Hour
Flame RodSC + 1/2 Hour
Flame Rod AssemblySC + 1 Hour
Flame SensorSC + 1/2 Hour
Flue Damper (Boiler)SC + 1 Hour
Gas Control ValveSC + 1 Hour
Gas ValveSC + 1 Hour
Heat ExchangerSC + 5 Hour
Heat Exchanger ThermistorSC + 1 Hour
Heat Exchanger FlushSC + T&M
Heating Element assemblySC + T&M
Heating MaintenanceRefer to P.M.A
Humidifier MaintenanceRefer to P.M.A
IgniterSC + 3/4 Hour
Inducer / Combustion AssemblySC + 1 Hour
Inducer Motor and / or WheelSC + 1 Hour
Limit SwitchSC + 1/2 Hour
Low or Hi Pressure SwitchSC + T&M
Main / Auxiliary / Door or Spill SwitchSC + 1/2 Hour
MiscellaneousSC + T&M
NeutralizerSC + 1 Hour
Nitrogen Leak TestSC + 4 Hours
PCBSC + 1 Hour
Pilot AssemblySC + 3/4 Hour
Pilot Burner / OrificeSC + 1 Hour
Pressure Relief ValveSC + 1 Hour
Pressure SwitchSC + 1/2 Hour
Refrigerants ReclaimSC + 1.5 Hour
Replace 2″ or 3″ VentingSC + T&M
Replace Tank (<50 Gal)SC + 4 Hours
Replace Tank (>50 Gal)SC + 5 Hours
Replace Tankless UnitSC + 4 Hours
Reversing ValveSC + T&M
Reversing Valve CoilSC + 1 Hour
SequencerSC + 3/4 Hour
Service Valve ReplacementSC + 1 Hour
Surge ProtectorSC + 1 Hour
Tankless MaintenanceSC + T&M
Thermal FuseSC + 1.5 Hours
ThermocoupleSC + 1/2 Hour
ThermostatSC + 1 Hour
Time Delay RelaySC + 1 Hour
TransformerSC + 1/2 Hour
Ventor MotorSC + 1 Hour
Water Flow Switch/ImpellerSC + 1 Hour
Water Heater Heating ElementSC + T&M
Water Inlet and Flow ControlSC + T&M
Water Outlet and ThermistorSC + T&M